no/MIND portraits
East Village View Gallery, NYC - USA
no/MIND is an ongoing photographic project we have been building upon for a number of years but have only showcased online. no/MIND broadly involves investigations into the physical manifestation of the state of the creative moment; the blank canvas of the mind; open and receptive uncluttered by preconceptions or habitual mental formation.

G A P : n o / M I N D
nor relying solely on MIND in the creative (living) process
Prints from Global ART Project : the collaborative future
an international collaborative collective of 60 working artists operating out of 17 countries.
Curated by Carl Heyward & Akiko Suzuki Heyward
Founded by artist Julia Justo, East Village Art View is an inclusive exhibition space in a NYC apartment. It uses the traditional format of a gallery setting to mitigate and confront systemic problems of exclusiveness in the arts. It seeks to provide a platform for presentation of projects by overlooked and marginalized communities as well as to create dialogue between artists and audiences on a global stage.
Thousand yard stare
How do you look when you awaken?
Not Pretty
The moment before thinking kicks in
no / MIND is the state of creativity that does not rely on the mind for direction, but is an integration of body-mind-spirit...inspiration, perhaps, being non-judgmental, non-critical , being spontaneous, etc. Perhaps Zen, open mind, a place where real creativity can begin. It is a challenge for most of us to " get there", being conditioned to be analytical creatures, constantly judging and comparing, mostly ourselves and/or our value as artists or human beings. This is non-productive in my view and can be dispelled with the understanding that the best strategy for making, completing and being embraced by the creative practice is to view:
Creation (making)
...two different not confuse them though they are interchangeable as the act of art making continues along its various stages and the role of the artist shifts from non-critical observer of self and materials, to one who enacts physically, etc.
always touch and go, even in the best of times, this is the position we find ourselves, this is the skin I'm in...use the other faculties touch it feel it address it undress it redress it approach it accept it regret it pet it walk through it do it differently do not own it sit with it move through it move quickly do not erase it absolutely deface it face it; an exercise but absolutely no/ M I N D : analyzing and creating are two distinctly different processes; get out of the way.