Welcome to GAP

I have added you to the GAP fb message tree; adding you to the 3 FB albums, the GAP private group page; introduced you to the group and am sharing some general info with you below.
Make your fb posts PUBLIC so that they may be shared by members; cross promote the projects, works and exhibitions of members...it is reciprocated.
Please get Patricia Calabro @ Global Art Project <globalartprojecttoday@gmail.com> your complete contact info please forward bio, head shots, recent or representative work, artist statement.
Below is a listing of the GAP fb online albums and reflect 3 of our ongoing projects which are augmented by the exhibitions, residencies etc.
Please read carefully. Ask questions; observe or jump in.
If you are interested in the frag exchange project please say so in the fb message tree...leave your land mailing address...
Join this GAP Private FB page :
Admn by Linda Coppens
This link allows you to post work and/or comments. https://www.facebook.com/groups/globalartproject/
My suggestion is to also friend members that are of interest to you. The incentive is yours.
There will be more but this is a start.
Best :
The three albums that you will be added to are (FB)
1 no / M I N D
these are to be self-portraits but can also include art work, paintings or drawings done by yourself or found.
Thousand yard stare
How do you look when you awaken?
Not Pretty
The moment before thinking kicks in
no / MIND is the state of creativity that does not rely on the mind for direction, but is an integration of body-mind-spirit...inspiration, perhaps, being non-judgmental, non-critical , being spontaneous, etc. Perhaps Zen, open mind, a place where real creativity can begin. It is a challenge for most of us to " get there", being conditioned to be analytical creatures, constantly judging and comparing, mostly ourselves and/or our value as artists or human beings. This is non-productive in my view and can be dispelled with the understanding that the best strategy for making, completing and being embraced by the creative practice is to view:
Creation (making)
as two different processes...do not confuse them though they are interchangeable as the act of art making continues along its various stages and the role of the artist shifts from non-critical observer of self and materials, to one who enacts physically, etc.
2 Global Art Project : WORKS
is an album of work created to post your solo work for GAP inclusion or created during the period of your GAP tenure or works completely unrelated to GAP but showcase your talent. Perhaps a couple of entries a week is sufficient. This does not have to be GAP themed work .
It is to show the range pf GAP artists.
3 GAP Frag Project :
includes the frags as raw materials when they arrive at your studio from the international membership...the work that you create as well as the frags that you ship out to others. The work that you create is yours and my include solely the frags of one member and your re-combinations in any media or you might use frags from several members, it is entirely up to you . I curate from the frag album when I am putting together exhibitions; this also allows members who physically can't make foreign travel to be represented in our presentations. I ask that you credit sources of frags, photo and post the process, tag contributors and as often as possible include the following description when you post from the album not into the album ( or you can edit this statement when it appears on your homepage):
GAP / frag
the fragments, the raw materials that might become elements of mixed-media collages or paintings...torn found papers, billboard-tears, fabric, found shopping lists, photos and negatives, discarded canvas and throw-away's that are given new life by another artist who incorporates these raw materials into something new; a way to collaborate via the mail and internet as well as in-person...
mixed-media work derived from the exchange between members of Global Art Project; relinquishing responsibility or ownership going beyond the original intention of an image or idea broken down into fragments ( frags) resulting in a deconstruction, a re-ordering of the visual universe into new ways of seeing...one of the most significant examples of using frags is the giant Dada quilt GAP created assembled by Akiko Suzuki in Osaka and San Francisco this year for the SF International Arts Festival titled The Mystery of Love, Anger and Delusion ( soap-bubbles), a 3.5 ' x 32 ' work derived from over 2,000 frags from the international membership
I do not wish to make inclusion more difficult than it needs to be; these technical considerations allow a uniformity in the GAP profile and if members are conscientious in posting and sharing it mean I do not have to do it.
Study the albums; take risks, ask members for support if you have questions please.
I suggest that you also go through a few days or a week or two of recent GAP fb message tree entries.
Share the albums, share member posts, their workshops, new solo works, the GAP videos, the GAP Community Page , the GAP Website. Invite your friends to like our pages and activities.
There is and will be more, but for the moment enjoy, make art, get to know the members and WELCOME .
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