GLOBAL ART PROJECT / miad : reimagining the global village
Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design
exhibition curated overall by artist/curator Nirmal Raja with GAP selections by Carl Heyward at the kind invitation of Ms Raja October 11- Dec 4, 2021 because the world is drawn and quartered in inescapable concert one nation one person one cause issue crisis or triumph upon the other we choose hope over despair though they may issue from the same breath or divergent reading of shared experience..we do this till we know better... Featuring work from the Collaborative GAP Frag Exchange Project : frags: the fragments, the raw materials that might become elements of mixed-media collages or paintings...torn found papers, billboard-tears, fabric, found shopping lists, photos and negatives, discarded canvas and throw-away's that are given new life by another artist who incorporates these raw materials into something new...